Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teenagers...Should We Keep Them?

Warning :When you have a baby the hospital will make you bring it home. Most of us fall immediately and hopelessly in love with these sweet smelling, magical little bundles and happily welcome them into our homes. They're so cute we're even willing to overlook the pooping and the crying. But what the hospital neglects to tell you is that one day that adorable baby with the unimaginably cute little tiny toes will turn into a teenager. I know, it seems like an obvious eventuality but I've fallen for this ruse four times. I got a call recently that has me questioning if I'm keeping my youngest son or not. He and a friend of his, both honor students, were caught drinking. They raided the liquor cabinet after his friends parents had gone to bed. My first thought was how very much I appreciated the Mother calling to tell me...I'm sorry to say some parents wouldn't have. My next thought involved boarding schools in Russia. So my question of the day is, what's the appropriate punishment? I've been a Mother for 24 years and I still find myself wondering, " would a real parent handle this?"

Ruby's Take:  I was a little insulted my son thought I'd buy the "I'm just really tired" I'm too stupid to know what a hangover looks like. My suspicions were already raised and I was debating calling his friends Mother when she called me. Since he'd been throwing up I thought it best to deal with the physical symptoms first. I had him take advil and gave him chicken soup and orange juice to replace the lost electrolytes. Once his nausea cleared up a bit I moved him on to manual labor. The backyard needed cleaned up, we have three dogs so you can imagine how pleasant that was. Then I had him clean his room and the basement. He is grounded for two weeks, from friends, internet other than school, and video games but I keep feeling maybe I'm letting him off too easy. I know most kids do things like this, and yes I did too, but I don't want him thinking its okay. I don't keep alcohol in the house. Not from any personal beliefs against it I've just reached an age where the phrase "I need a drink." means coffee. I'm curious to know what other parents would have done.


  1. Just make sure you're also hammering the 'don't drink and drive', 'don't get into a car with a friend who's been drinking' thing also. I was always harping away on that - "call me drunk at 3am, I'll be pissy at you, but I promise to come get you and no consequences." Other than the pissiness. I worried a lot less about my kid drinking than I did about him getting into a car with another kid who was drunk. So far so good. Thank god.

    That said - I bet your boy remembers picking up dog crap next time he reaches for a drink. :)

  2. I'm not sure if he remembers the dog crap but he remembers feeling sick. We were all out for my birthday and my son-in-law set his empty shot glass down near my son. My son came to me minutes later for the car keys. He was almost in tears needing to get away from the smell.
